Wednesday 11 April 2012

My Resolution

Birthdays for me are more than presents and well wishes.
My birthday month brings with it a chance to plan for new goals and reflect on accomplishments of the past year.The debt is shrinking,organization is all in the eye of the beholder and patience will always be a work in progress.
Actually,I’m afraid to even come up with a resolution because of my fear of failure.
I’ve never really been one for setting Birthday’s resolution.
The truth is,we’ne been told to set them,then inundated with all these facts and figures about why they don’t actually work – so what’s the point?

Thanks,previous year!
Looking back in time,I’d set out to fulfill some of the goals.
I do,however believe that every birthday is a chance to start fresh.
Maybe it’s because birthdays are a little more personal(and less of the “one size fits all” variety).
Either way,this is when I like to re-evaluate the “me” I’d like to see in the coming year.
I’m not going to give myself a time frame,though I’ll try to remember to check in on my list each year around my birthday.

What now?
Since last time went so well. I’m setting some stretch goals for the coming too.

1.Being kinder to others
Ok,so we all judge.I’m just really really good at it.I realize I can’t make this go away at the drop of the hat, but I know that if I make an attempt to be more aware of when I’m doing it, eventually I’ll slow it down – until it stops altogether.

2.Staring failure in the face
I’ve realized over the past that I’m petrified of being told “no”.Yet I know that all of those huge accomplishments come with the threat of being turned down.So if I’m not willing to experience that,I’ll be shutting the door to some really great experiences.
It’s time to go big or to go home.
I’ll choose to go big.

3.Being more grateful
It’s so easy to get caught up in how things aren’t going according to plan.But in the grand scheme of things I have it pretty great.i have a home,family and supportive friends and the chance to actually pursue something I’m passionate about.
How can I really be upset when I think about it that way?

4.Looking towards the possibilities
Staring at the “what is” of a situation is not so much fun.Looking at what is possible,on the other hand is magigal.Like driving past your dream and imagine what it feel like to board a plane bound for some great location that I’ve been adore.
This is where I want my focus to be for the next 365 days.

Onward,I say!
12 months from now,I’ll report back.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to my life back time.


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